

Submission Guidelines

Supporting Information

Supporting Information (SI) is auxiliary to the main content of the article and is equally accessible in Internet.
There are no restrictions on word count, number of figures, or amount of supporting information.
In the submission you should send Supporting Information as one single file or as individual, standalone files. 
Supporting Information items should be roman numbered, have a short name (SI-I_Name; SI-II_Name; …). We highly recommend including a one-line title as well. Each item may or may not have multiple components (text, figures, tables, etc.).

We recommend that you cite SI in the manuscript text, but this is not a requirement. If you cite SI in the text, citations do not need to be in numerical order. Referring to an element within an SI file, such as a table or figure within a supporting text, cite it in one of the following ways: “Table A in SI-II”, “Figure X in SI-II”, “Text B in SI-III” or “data in SI-IV”.


Article types

Preparing a manuscript for submission

Cover letter


Citations and references