


Volume 14, Issue 1 - March 2014


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Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada
Volume 14, Número 1, Março 2014, Páginas 95-107

DOI: 10.5894/rgci450
* Submission: 31 October 2013; Evaluation: 2 December 2013; Reception of revised manuscript: 18 February 2014; Accepted: 8 March 2014; Available on-line: 25 March 2014

Metodologia para o traçado da Linha de Máxima Preia-Mar de Águas Vivas Equinociais em ambientes de transição: aplicação ao estuário do Tejo (Portugal) *

Methodological framework for the definition and demarcation of the highest astronomical tide line in estuaries: the case of Tagus Estuary (Portugal)

Ana Rilo @, 1, Paula Freire 1, Ricardo Nogueira Mendes 2, Rodrigo Ceia 2, João Catalão 3, Rui Taborda 3, Ricardo Melo 2, Maria Isabel Caçador 2, Maria da Conceição Freitas 4, André Bustorff Fortunato 1, Elsa Alves 1

@ - Corresponding author:
1 - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Avenida do Brasil, nº 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal. e-mails: Rilo <>; Freire <>; Fortunato <>; Alves <>
2 - Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de Oceanografia - FCUL, Campo Grande, 1749-016, Lisboa, Portugal. e-mails: Mendes <>; Ceia <>; Melo <>; Caçador <>
3 - Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Dom Luís – FCUL, Campo Grande, 1749-016, Lisboa, Portugal. e-mails: Catalão <>; Taborda <>
4 - Universidade de Lisboa, Centro de Geologia – FCUL, Campo Grande, 1749-016, Lisboa, Portugal. e-mail: Freitas <>

Os trabalhos desenvolvidos por equipas de investigação sobre a zona costeira bem como as ferramentas de gestão e ordenamento das regiões hidrográficas, como, por exemplo, os Planos de Gestão de Bacia Hidrográfica e os Planos de Ordenamento de Estuários, necessitam da definição de margem e de leito e, por conseguinte, do traçado da Linha de Máxima Preia-Mar de Águas Vivas Equinociais (LMPMAVE) que corresponde ao seu limite. Muito embora a definição destas áreas e respetivo limite esteja descrita na lei que estabelece a titularidade dos recursos hídricos, existe uma dificuldade prática em transpor para a realidade do terreno as conceções legais, particularmente em sistemas de transição, como os estuários. Assim, revela-se prioritário o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia abrangente e objetiva capaz de responder a este desafio.
No presente trabalho, apresenta-se uma abordagem metodológica interdisciplinar e integrada, baseada na recolha e análise de informação bibliográfica, cartográfica e de campo sobre a área de estudo (estuário do Tejo), bem como a experiência adquirida no traçado deste limite noutros locais do país. Deste modo, foi possível desenvolver um conjunto de critérios para o traçado da LMPMAVE em ambientes de transição, que podem ser divididos em quatro tipologias: a) biofísica, estabelecida através da presença ou ausência de vegetação halófita; b) tipo de estrutura/altimétrica, que se prende com as características intrínsecas da estrutura e sua elevação; c) de uso do solo; d) de índole legal, baseada na Lei 54/2005 de 15 de novembro.
O desenvolvimento e aplicação desta metodologia ao estuário do Tejo permitiu dispor pela primeira vez do traçado deste limite neste importante sistema de transição e, simultaneamente, ultrapassar a dificuldade de implementar os conceitos legais de LMPMAVE no terreno, ao criar critérios objetivos de suporte à sua marcação.

Palavras-chave: gestão costeira, leito, margem, metodologia integrada

Important coastal management instruments, such as Estuary and Watershed Planning and Management Plans, require the cartographic demarcation of the boundary between the estuarine bed and fringe. This boundary has important implications on the jurisdictional areas of public entities that manage and regulate public water bodies, as well as on some aspects of the Water Framework Directive application, particularly the ecological assessment and the evaluation of human disturbance factors.
Although this boundary is clearly defined by the Portuguese law as the water line at the highest astronomical tide, its practical determination is not straightforward. First, different hydromorphological conditions and anthropogenic occupations of estuarine margins can affect the position of the line. Also, maximum tidal elevations vary along the estuary. Finally, tidal effects are sometimes difficult to distinguish from other factors, from riverine and atmospheric origin, that affect the water levels. Therefore, the development of a methodology to determine this line, based on objective criteria, is both a challenge and a requirement to estuarine management.
A new approach based on different criteria is proposed and illustrated in the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Four types of criteria are proposed: a) a biophysical criterion, based on the presence or absence of halophyte vegetation; b) the type of structure/elevation criterion, based on the height and permeability characteristics of existing marginal structures; c) a land use criterion; d) a legal criterion based on the Law 54/2005 of 15 November.
The application of the new approach requires the collection and assessment of diverse information on the study area, including legal documents, cartographic material, aerial photographs and orthophotos (0.50 m spatial resolution, RGB and near-infrared). Other imagery sources were assessed, such as Bing Maps aerial (bird’s eye option) and Google Earth (using the historical imagery tool). Previous reports regarding the definition of this boundary in other Portuguese systems were also analyzed and taken into consideration. The criteria associated to the type of structure/elevation and to land use were supported by a recent (2011) topographic survey of the Tagus estuary marginal areas. Finally, the LANDSAT 7 ETM+ image corresponding to the highest tide level in the Tagus registered by this satellite (from 22 February 2002 at 11:03:23) was processed using the Image Analysis tool from ArcMap. The 752 composition bands were selected in order to highlight the extension of the submerge area for those tide conditions, and allowed the validation of biophysical criteria. These criteria definition was further validated by topographic field data and biophysical field observation acquired during January, August and September 2011.
The biophysical criterion is based on the presence, distribution and behavior of various species of salt marsh (salt tolerant). The underlying principle is that the transition from this type of vegetation to another, with terrestrial features and little tolerance for salt water, is a reliable indicator of the boundary between the bed and the margin. This criterion was applied in estuarine beaches, cliffs, limits of salt marsh areas and waterways.
When the margin is occupied by anthropogenic structures (e.g., defense adherent structures, jetties, piers, dikes, salt pans and tidal mills) the type of structure/altimeter criterion was applied. A previous analysis of extreme water levels in this estuary, considering tides and storm surges, indicates maximum water levels ranging between 2.3 m above mean sea level (MSL) at the estuary mouth and 2.8 m MSL in the upper estuarine area, for a return period of 100 years. Considering that wave run-up was neglected in that study, the 3.0 m (MSL) height was taken as representative of altimetry positions that are not subject to frequent flooding. Thus, impermeable structures lower than 3.0 m (MSL) are included in the bed and the structures higher than 3.0m (MSL) are in the margin. Permeable structures are always included in the estuarine bed.
The land use criterion is based on the observation that there can be agriculture lands in the estuary margins that are below high tide level, due to historical human efforts to preserve those areas from estuarine flooding. Thus, these areas are included in the margin.
Finally, the legal criterion is based on the paragraph 1 of article 10 of Law 54/2005 dated from 15 November, which indicates that the “mouchões” (local term that designates islands and sandbanks formed by alluvial deposition) are included in the estuarine bed.
The methodological approach presented herein allowed for the first time the outline of the highest astronomical tide line for the Tagus estuary, thus providing an important contribution to the management of this area. Constraints in the cartographic demarcation are associated not only to morphological, hydrodynamic and anthropogenic diversity, but mainly with the application of legal definitions, since the Law 54/2005 adopts “average flood” as the single guiding principle for setting the limit between bed and margin, not considering that wave swash, storm surge effects and sea level rise also influence water levels in estuaries.
It is recognized that the boundary position varies in space as well as in time. Those aspects should be taken into account in future line reassessments considering the effects of sea level rise. It is proposed that boundary line reassessments are associated with Estuary and Watershed Planning and Management Plans for effectiveness. Finally, several issues that should be addressed in future work are pointed out.

Keywords: coastal management, estuarine bed, estuarine fringe, integrated methodology


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