Volume 14, Issue 1 - March 2014
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- Abstract / Resumo
- References / Bibliografia
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Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada
Volume 14, Número 1, Março 2014, Páginas 119-127
DOI: 10.5894/rgci480
* Submission: 2 January 2014; Evaluation: 9 February 2014; Reception of revised manuscript: 17 February 2014; Accepted: 14 March 2014; Available on-line: 21 March 2014
** Tradução para Português do Título, Resumo e Legendas das Figuras e Tabelas da responsabilidade do Editor Associado Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro
Cytochemical responses of Hediste diversicolor (Nereidae, Polychaete) sampled from polluted sites along the Tunisian coast *
Respostas Citoquímicas em Hediste diversicolor (Nereidae, Polychaeta) de locais poluídos na Zona Costeira Tunisina **
Zied Bouraoui @, 1, Jihene Ghedira 1, Flavia Capri 2, Lassaad Chouba 3, Hamadi Boussetta 1
@ - Corresponding author : bouraoui_zied@yahoo.fr
1 - Laboratory of Biochemistry and Environmental Toxicology, Higher Institute of Agronomic Sciences. Chott-Mariem, 4042, Sousse, Tunisia.
2 - Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, 15100, Alessandria, Italy.
3 - Laboratory of Marine Environment, National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of the Sea, La Goulette, 2060, Tunis, Tunisia.
The polychaete worm Hediste diversicolor was collected in several sites from the Tunisian coast. The aim of our study was to study several cytochemical biomarkers in this species in response to a pollution gradient caused by various discharges a long the Tunisian coast. Worms were collected from six sites: Bizerta Lagoon, Gargour, Nakta, Mahres, Skhira and from Teboulba, witch is considered a reference site.
The biomarkers selected in this work were lysosomal membrane stability, lipofuscin and neutral lipid accumulations and levels of Ca2+-ATPase activity analyzed in the intestinal cells. Chemical analyses of Cd, Cu and Zn were also carried out in sediment. The results obtained indicate significant changes in most of the parameters measured in H. diversicolor. They are consistent with the chemical analysis and that worms from Bizerta and Mahres have been submitted to high levels of pollution.
Keywords: Biomarkers, lysosomal membrane stability, neutral lipids, lipofuscin, Ca2+-ATPase activity, Hediste diversicolor.
Com o objectivo de estudar vários marcadores citoquímicos em Hediste diversicolor ao longo de um gradiente de poluição foram colhidos indivíduos dessa espécie na costa Tunisina (Bizerta Lagoon, Gargour, Nakta, Mahres, Skhira e Teboulba como local de referência).
Os biomarcadores selecionados foram a estabilidade membranar dos lisossomas, lipofuscina e acumulação de lípidos e atividade Ca2+-ATPase analisados em células intestinais. Foram ainda analisados nos sedimentos Cd, Cu e Zn. Os resultados obtidos indicam alterações significativas na maioria dos parâmetros analisados em H. diversicolor. Estes resultados mostraram-se consistentes com as análises químicas e ainda com a maior exposição a poluentes nos locais Bizerta e Mahres.
Palavras-chave: Biomarcadores, estabilidade membranar dos lisossomas, lípidos neutros, lipofuscina, atividade Ca2+-ATPase, Hediste diversicolor.
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